The Collaborative Nexus: A Typical Three Player Food Chain – Featuring the works of Bridget Reading ID

The Canvas: Workplace Trends

Over the last decade, the world we live in has gotten increasingly smaller as countries and communities have gotten more transparent and accessible it has helped people connect at ideological levels all across the globe. The biggest by-product of this phenomena was the birth of ‘Collaboration in the workplace.

Cloud computing and faster internet connections are allowing professionals to collaborate with experts from across the world to deliver a more efficient product. With the production sector, exploiting the digital workspace, Deckor continues to strive to achieve higher standards of architectural visualization, by producing an educated, skilled and engaged workforce.

Player 1: Deckor

Deckor was conceived as an enabler portal to help designers, by creating realistic visualizations for their products and designs. Founded and run by a team of highly motivated young and seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs.

The team at Deckor aims at assisting top design professionals with a visual representation of the spaces that they conceive as per their respective client briefs. The team is dedicated to providing the best visualization service whilst being frugal fiscally, as they are all design professionals and by cutting done on the unnecessary links in the work cycle. The team is determined to establish the rule that good design should be a necessity and not a luxury.

Perceiving spaces before they are built

Player 2: The Designer (Bridget Reading ID)

BR-ID, a hugely celebrated practice based out of Kent, UK, and founded by Bridget Reading has a prolific body of work. Ms Reading is an interior design specialist with twenty years experience in bespoke interiors. Her portfolio consists of projects in the residential and commercial sector, set in both urban and rural environments.

Ms Reading does not let distance come in between her artistic endeavors to provide design solutions for her clients all over the world.

New Age Design Practices

Player 3: The Client

In February of 2017, BR-ID was commissioned to fit out a newly developed apartment on 5th Avenue in New York City.  All items of furniture and finishes will be carefully selected to create a beautiful four-bedroom family home in the heart of the city.

Dissolving all boundaries BR-ID (based out of UK), decided to bring Deckor (based out of India) onboard to provide design a wholesome design solution for their client (based out of USA) only to truly prove that design is true collaboration in today’s day and age. Visualisation becomes essential in projects where the designers are physically so far away from the site of construction. Also, in such cases, the smallest disconnect in intent and execution can then lead to adverse effects on the design. But the good news is that you can now avoid them easily 🙂 .


On Key

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